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The most important event of the UIT is the Heat Transfer Conference. The first Conference was organized in Trieste in 1983, and then the Conference was held on a regular basis every year, typically in the second half of June.
The UIT Conference is the place where most of the UIT members meet every year discussing their latest research and common research projects.
Typical sessions at the Conference are computational fluid dynamics; conduction, radiation and thermophysical properties; heat and mass transfer in energy systems and nuclear plants; natural forced and mixed convection; micro and nano scale heat transfer; multiphase heat transfer and interface phenomena.
On average, considering the recent Conferences, about 80 papers are presented in poster and oral sessions (plus 2-4 keynote lectures from outstanding international and national speakers).
The general Assembly of UIT members is held every year on the UIT Conference.
Since 1996 every year UIT announces the Prize for the best Italian Master thesis in thermal fluid dynamics. From 2000 and on a two-years basis a Prize for the best Italian PhD thesis in thermal fluid dynamics is also presented. Prizes are presented during the opening ceremony of the UIT Heat Transfer Conference. They consist of a certificate, a plaque and a cheque (1250€ for the Master thesis and 2000 € for the PhD thesis). UIT Prizes testify the attention to new generations of researchers.
UIT establishes a prize of € 1,250 for the best master thesis in the thermo-fluid dynamics sector.
Only theses related to thermo-fluid dynamics and discussed in an Italian university at the end of master’s degree courses (or five-year degree courses), in the period 01 January 2024 – 31 December 2024, will be admitted. See the announcement for full details.
UIT establishes a prize of € 2,000 for the best PhD thesis in the thermo-fluid dynamics sector.
Only theses related to thermo-fluid dynamics and discussed in an Italian university to obtain a PhD, in the period 01 January 2023 – 31 December 2024, will be admitted. See the announcement for full details.

UIT organizes Workshops and Seminars on specific topics, with the aim of creating a discussion forum in some areas. Such events are not devoted to specialists but are open to all those who wish to have an idea of the state-of-the-art on hot topics. In the recent past, workshop/seminars have been organized on microscale heat transfer, hydrogen and energy, optical and thermographic techniques in thermal sciences.

UIT is linked with the main International Organizations of the field, namely with:
- the EUROTHERM Committee, European Committee for the Advancement of Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer
- the IMechE, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- the ASME, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- the ASFTE, American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers
- the ICHMT, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer
- the JSMF, Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow