UIT is the home of Italian researchers, engineers, students, and people interested in thermal and fluid problems and applications. Traditional areas of heat transfer and fluid flow are of interest, as well as related areas such as multiphase flow, computational fluid dynamics, energy efficiency and micro and nano scale transport phenomena.
Why become a member
• Connect with people interested in the same topics at national and international level
• Reduced fee at the annual Heat Transfer Conference
• Know the latest trends in the field through a monthly e-Newsletter
How to join or renew
Annual fee is €30,00 both for joining and renewing. Fee must be paid by wire transfer to Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica, IBAN IT22X0623012700000045283420.
Only if you are joining UIT the first time, after the payment, please fill the contact form and upload a receipt of the payment.
Reduced fees are available for collective membership. Please, contact us for information.